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Journey to Korean Temples and Templestay
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 12,000
USD 8.98
Author: Jang Eunhwa
Publisher: HER ONE MEDIA
Pub. Date: July. 2009
Pages: 230
Cover: Softcover
Dimensions (in inches): 6.69 x 5.03 x 0.59
ISBN: 9788992162173
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Chapter 1 History of Korean Buddhism

1. Overview of Korean Buddhism

2. Three Kingdoms Period

3. Unified Silla Kingdom Period

4. Goryeo Dynasty

5. Joseon Dynasty

6. Japanese Occupation and Recent Developments (Modern Period)


Chapter 2 Korean Buddhist Temples

1. What is the Buddhist Temple?

2. Features of Korean Buddhist Temples

3. Why are Korean Temples Located on the Mountain?

4. Some Special Temples

5. Bhiksu and Bhiksuni of Korean Buddhism

6. Culture of Korean Buddhist Temples

Chapter 3 Journey to Korean Temples

1. Woljeongsa and Sangwonsa - Home of Manjusuri Bodhisattva

???Tale of Woljeong Temple

???Tale of King Sejo of Joseon and Sangwon Temple

???Temple Stay Program of Woljeong Temple

2. Bongeun Temple

3. Geojo Hermitage

???Tale of Arhats 1 Seojin Hermitage, Namwon, North Jeolla Province

???Tale of Arhats 2 Arhats and Dongji Patjuk

4. Eunhae Temple

5. Baekheung Hermitage

6. Tongdo Temple 1

7. Tongdo Temple 2

???Tale of Tongdo Temple

8. Samhwa Temple

???Tale of Samhwa Temple

???Temple Stay Program of Samhwa Temple

Chapter 4 Temple Stay

What is the temple stay?

A Typical Temple Stay Program

List of Templestay-running Temples

What is the Temple Life Program?

Temple Life Program of Bongeun Temple

Temple Life Program of Jogye Temple

Temple Life Program of Hwagye Temple

Chapter 5 Buddhism Q&A

1. Why is the Spirit Assembly Altar installed in a temple hall?

2. What are the things held in the hands of Bodhisattvas?

3. Isn't Mahayana Buddhism polytheistic as there are so many Buddhas?

4. What do they mean by the Buddha?

5. Why did Buddhism disappear in the land of origin, India?

6. How is Buddhism different from other religions?

7. Why does Buddhism have so many indigenous factors?

8. Isn't praying before Buddha statues the idol worship?

9. Why do Buddhist monks shave their head?

10. Why does the temple have so many Buddhas?

11. What is Nation-protecting Buddhism and how should we accept it?

12. Why do Buddhist monks give up their home and join the Sangha community?

13. Why had the lotus flower become a symbol of Buddhism?


????Korean Dynasties

???Timelines of Korean Buddhist History


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